Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas from Elijah

I'm late in getting this up because I kept trying to get a better video...I finally gave up. He's three, and not particularly cooperative when the camera is on :) So although this isn't his best performance by a long shot, here's Elijah reciting the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-14. The kid's memory is crazy.

This was a fun little Christmas project, as well as a sobering reminder that children are absolute sponges. After hearing this about five or six times, Elijah could supply missing words when I paused and left them out! It only took about two weeks of reading it once a day before he basically had the entire thing memorized. He is soaking up what he hears, whether good or bad--I am freshly challenged to keep filling his ears and mind with Scripture and with grace-filled, life-giving words.


Rebecca said...

So cute! I love when he gets to the verses about the shepherds. "The SHEPHERDS...."

I am also finding that kids have an amazing memory. I work in the Pre-school (4yrs.) class at church on Sundays. Most of the kids in my class have minimal exposure to Christianity. But just reviewing a verse twice a Sunday for a month is enough that most of them can say the Bible verse by the month's end.

Thanks, again, for sharing.

Kelly said...

Oh. My. Goodness. LOVE it!!! The shepherd part was my favorite part, too! :)

Good job, Mama!

Danielle said...

Wow, this is awesome, Amy! You've inspired me to work on a passage this year with my boys!

Ann Kroeker said...

Oh, my stars! What a gift!

Sandra Leigh said...

I love hearing E's little voice! So cute!
Looking forward to getting your christmas picture and family update. I hope we can plan a time in 2011 to get together. I'd love to meet your new little man, too.
Miss ya, girl!
Love, Sandra

Anonymous said...

That is the most precious thing I have seen in a long time!!! What a neat testimony and challenge for us all to memorize and Tell his story!

Lily said...

This is PRECIOUS!! Love it!