2729. our zoo membership, and the opportunity to renew it before prices went up
2730. a gorgeous day at the zoo with my boys
2731. revealing Himself to me as Creator
2732. brightly colored bandaids
2733. Steve's amazing skills at splinter removal without tears
2734. the satisfaction of finishing a beautifully written book
2735. finding out the author has another book I didn't know about
2736. discovering and enjoying Downton Abbey with Steve
2737. beautiful adoption stories and photos
2738. more "hard eucharisteo" - something exciting falling through
2739. art time with Elijah
2740. a chiropractic adjustment
2741. the relaunch of CCEF's Journal of Biblical Counseling
2742. dinner and prayer with friends
2743. Jude's three new molars, and respite from the constant whining
2744. the way Jude pretends everything is a phone, and holds it to the back of his neck instead of his ear
2745. our babysitter taking the boys to the park on another gorgeous day
2746. strange little seed pods from sweet gum trees
2747. the fact that I could type "spiky" in my Google Toolbar and get the option "spiky balls that fall from trees" and click immediately on a webpage that told me it was from a sweet gum tree. The internet is amazing.
2748. Vanilla Coke, which I thought was long ago discontinued
2749. Elijah pretending sticks are lightsabers, and dueling gently and carefully with Jude
2750. Jude toddling around outside, imitating big brother's play
2751. Steve telling me stories about work and making me laugh until my face hurts
2752. Elijah singing random songs we listen to during the day, complete with "da, dum, da, doo doo" instrumental interludes
2753. gummy smiles from our friends' daughter
2754. weather updates online
2755. a basement to go to in case of tornadoes
2756. His protection in Friday's storms
2757. the fact that He controls, directs and can calm all storms
2758. dinner and laughter and conversation and games with dear friends
2759. cheesecake on my grandmother's cut glass dessert plates
2760. times He breaks me down
2761. times He builds up

1 comment:
It's always nice to hear of fellow Downton Abbey fans!
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