5699. my very favorite blond boy, and the THREE years God has given us with him! (more on that later this week, I hope)
5700. time outside in gorgeous fall weather
5701. the openness, honesty and vulnerability of old friends and new friends
5702. being able to rest in knowing "He's got this"--it does not depend on me saying or doing all the right things
5703. His servanthood--not abusing authority and loading heavy burdens on people, but bearing our burdens, loving and sacrificing for us
5704. the return of soup season
5705. soups I made last winter out of the freezer and onto the table--so little effort for a wholesome dinner!
5706. the audiobook we checked out from the library but somehow never brought home was FOUND back on the library shelf!
5707. the boys' over-the-top enthusiasm about breakfast for dinner
5708. Jude's first trip to the dentist: AMAZINGLY easy, so so so so much better than Elijah's first or second or third!
5709. no cavities for any of us
5710. a pizza lunch with both boys after our checkups
5711. the first trees starting to turn
5712. people who thanklessly clean public bathrooms
5713. the miracle of flight
5714. a weekend with a dear, dear friend and her family
5715. crisp apples
5716. a field trip to the pumpkin patch
5717. homemade blackberry wine
5718. figuring out how to tone down my chili recipe and finding it much more enjoyable
5719. Jude, out of the blue when I couldn't find my phone: "God knows where your phone is." !
5720. a phone chat with Steve's granny
5721. tomatoes at the farmers' market unexpectedly
5722. the ability to do mental math and convert/substitute recipes
5723. five families at my church signing up to sponsor six children through Compassion International! (more on that later this week too!)
5724. a zoo date with Jude today for his birthday
5725. carousel operator giving him a second ride free
5726. crazy monkeys, loud and showing off
5727. hot coffee
5728. ending the evening with a sweet friend
5729. evidence of God's work in her heart
5730. her serving me by helping clean up my disaster of a kitchen while we talked

[This post is part of the series "31 Days of Seeing Jesus"--click here for a list of all posts.]
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