Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Rebellion, Curses, Disobedient Sons: Jesus Fulfills the Law

My friend Ashley posted the following bite-sized gospel reflection on Facebook this afternoon, and I'm reposting it here with her permission--I loved how she saw Jesus so clearly in the Old Testament law, and how she exults in the beauty of our Savior and His work in just five short sentences!

"Whoever curses his father or mother shall be put to death" (Exodus 21:17).

I am this son who has rebelled and dishonored. I deserve death. Jesus, the perfect Son who never rebelled or dishonored His earthly parents or His Father in heaven, died the death I deserve. His death has brought me life. He has fulfilled all righteousness!

 [This post is part of the series "31 Days of Seeing Jesus"--click here for a list of all posts.]

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