When I started cloth diapering, I'd been told that hanging diapers in the sun would take care of the stains. But when I pulled that first load of prefolds out of the washer and saw the bright mustard-colored stains (you mamas who have breastfed know exactly what I'm talking about), I was more than skeptical. It was way too big a leap of faith for me to think that simple sunshine would make those diapers white again.
But hang them on the line I did, and when I took them down at the end of the day, I was a believer. Spotless. You actually couldn't tell which diapers had been pooped in--I swear.
I don't know how well it works on formula-fed babies' poop, or on other kinds of stains. But I can absolutely vouch for the effectiveness of sunshine when it comes to breastfed poo. That stuff does NOT come out in the wash, and I've heard many a mama talk of throwing away a favorite outfit after she thought it was ruined by a blowout. No more! It doesn't just work for diapers--I've seen hopeless stains disappear from colored pants, too, after a day in the sunshine. And it doesn't matter if you've already dried the clothing in the dryer. I was always taught that once you've done that, the stain is "set" and you might as well forget about removing it. Not so; the sun can still take it out. Just a note: It works better if you hang things wet, and it may take a couple of tries.
The bleaching power of the sun is nothing short of miraculous. It totally works for me!
I especially love hanging out our bedding on the line. Smells so fresh and lovely when I make the bed. Well, I guess I have to wait a few more months for that smell again!
I am always in awe of those who do the cloth diapers!
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