Friday, October 15, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 10.15.10

Late night, quiet house, in the mood to blog. So, for lack of any original thoughts, the Simple Woman's Daybook...

Outside my window...
dark, and cold. Steve says we can't sleep with the window open and the box fan in the window tonight because the forecasted low is 38 degrees. Party pooper. It's sort of hilarious how our roles reverse in pregnancy...I am usually the cold one, but being pregnant, especially this pregnant, makes me HOT.

I am thinking...
that I shouldn't have fixated on a specific date again. I had been hoping for a 10.10.10 baby, and found myself getting antsy last Sunday when it didn't happen. God granted me such amazing peace all this past week, but then I went and fixated on today. It was Steve's granny's birthday and we both just adore her--I thought it would be so fun to give her a birthday present of a new great-grandbaby--alas, it was not to be, and I've been antsy again today.

I am thankful for...
the aforementioned peace, which could only be by the grace of God. The fact that He, not I, is in charge of the timing of this baby's birth. The fact that I did *not* go into labor late last night or early this morning after Steve worked an 18-hour shift and was completely exhausted. The bonus that he got to be home all day today, and a long nap and a long, hot shower while he cared for Elijah. And the fact that he took me out to Panera for dinner because I just did not feel like cooking anything.

From the kitchen...
See above :) Actually, I'm up right now because I've got loaves of whole wheat bread in the oven...such a glorious smell! Otherwise, I'm so not in the mood to cook. Meal planning is an absolute necessity for me to be successful at preparing dinners for my family, and I'm finding that it's very difficult to do meal planning when I have no idea when I'll go into labor. I don't want to go buy groceries for a week's worth of meals, only to have food go bad because I had a baby and didn't end up making those meals. So I've been planning only a couple of days at a time, and that ran out yesterday. Looks like I will be visiting Kroger yet again tomorrow. Sigh.

I am wearing...
black knit gauchos, SUPER comfortable...a little chilly, but I have no pants to wear. Seriously. I have these, and skirts. A sage-green maternity shirt that is one of the only remaining shirts which actually covers my enormous belly. And slippers.

I am creating...
nothing. Just gestating.

I am going...
to bed very soon. Steve is already there and I don't have any good reason to stay up, now that the bread is out of the oven.

I am reading...
I just finished a really wonderful book called The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down--it wasn't at all what I expected, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Finished it in less than a week, in fact. I've barely dipped into another book I picked up at a used book sale recently, The Best American Short Stories of the Century. And tonight I picked up a book I bought forever ago but haven't gotten around to, CrossTalk.

I am hoping...
to get back to the state of peace and contentment and trust I have felt all week, and to get childbirth over with and meet our baby soon.

I am hearing...
some random new music I've downloaded for free recently, plus Elijah's white noise machine on the monitor, and bugs outside.

Around the house...
Steve worked hard today opening up a few more painted-shut windows and installing some storm windows that were missing/broken--hopefully it will make our dining room much warmer and our heating bill lower this winter. Elijah is struggling to implement the whole "when you're done with the book, put it back on the shelf" concept that we've been working on.

One of my favorite things...
the moments when my eyes are opened and I am able to slow down and really delight in my little buddy. We had a fun day yesterday: snuggle-time on the couch, just because; a pizza date for lunch; a walk around the neighborhood for which I actually let him walk, rather than taking the stroller; a movie and more snuggle time.

A few plans for the rest of the week...
have a baby? We hope...Elijah and I have been homebodies the last couple of weeks. We aren't making many plans these days, just patiently waiting for our little one's arrival.

A picture thought I am sharing...
from the archives, just for fun--here's Elijah in October 2007:


Jessie Rae said...


admin said...

Hi Amy!
Here's hoping that little baby is in your arms soon! :)

Sarah D. said...

Love that picture! Sleeping babies are so adorable. =)