Friday, May 06, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 5.6.11

Because I am needing to blog about something other than what I'm thankful for...but don't have the mental energy to compose a thoughtful post today...the Simple Woman's Daybook:

Outside my window...
Sunshine! For a while there I was starting to feel like Noah :) Everything is all greened up and gorgeous. I love spring (minus the frequent tornado watches/warnings).

I am thinking...
that this is a season, and though the days are long, the years are short. I won't always have to wipe bottoms...change outfits fourteen times...remain patient through screaming and whining...carry twenty pounds of chub on my hip. And probably there will come a day when I wish I could again. Probably.

I am thankful for...
the fact that the gospel is true, and the reminder from King Josiah's life (2 Kings 23-24) that amazing, godly children can come even from wicked and awful parents.

From the kitchen...
whole wheat bread very, very slowly appears my yeast is no good (and I just bought it this week, grr). Elijah helps me make bread almost every time now, which is fun. Last night's dinner was the summer's first chicken, corn and tomato salad in homemade pitas...would have been better with fresh thyme (turns out that really does make a difference, at least to me). Tonight I don't have to cook!

I am wearing...
jeans, a gray nursing tank top, and a blue zip-up sweatshirt. Plus gray slippers that are ripped even though they're a week old. Grr again.

I am creating...
nothing at the moment...though I did use the code “OPENHOUSE” to get $40 of gorgeous products free at Paper Coterie this week (if you hurry you might still be able to get the deal this weekend). So I created three journals—one with photos of my guys, one with a wedding photo, and one with no photo, just a verse of Scripture. Can't wait to see how they turn out.

I am going...
to start blogging again soon, I hope. I miss writing. I don't know why I go through these phases of stopping.

I am reading...
several books simultaneously, as usual. I recently finished (and loved) Craving Grace (full review coming soon), Hinds' Feet on High Places, and Protecting the Gift: Keeping Children and Teenagers Safe (and Parents Sane). I'm still slowly savoring One Thousand Gifts and just picked up The Happiest Mom: 10 Secrets to Enjoying Motherhood. I have also been dipping into A Praying Life (which is FREE for Kindle right now, FYI!) and am hoping to get the motivation to come back to Middlemarch (haven't read any classics on my Kindle in a while). Then there's Andrew Peterson's latest Wingfeather Saga book, which releases next week—meaning I want to go back and reread the first two! Always, always, too many books and too little time...

Bible-wise, I am digging into Proverbs and about to start 1 Chronicles, still trying to grow in "how to read the Bible Christianly."

I am hoping...
that someday Elijah will be kind to his baby brother. And that I will enjoy motherhood more and more as my boys get older.

I am hearing...
cars, birds, a white noise machine.

Around the house...
Diapers drying on the line...and a sink full of dishes plus the remnants of the breadmaking that need to be cleaned up. But—bliss!--both boys are sleeping simultaneously. Ahhh.

One of my favorite things...
see above :)

A few plans for the rest of the week...
Steve is taking me out for an early Mother's Day dinner tonight, yippee! Looking forward to checking out a new-ish Mexican place in town. Tomorrow we are picking up 17 baby chicks, which some friends are raising on their land and letting us go in with them (so we get half the chicks until they're feathered out). And Sunday we're having dinner with a family from church. Lots of fun plans!

A picture thought I am sharing...
I snapped this with Steve's phone on the way home from church last Sunday—Elijah was talking to Grammy and I just thought he looked so grown up and hilarious :)


Bethany said...

How is the Happiest Mom book? I loved a Praying life. That has to be one of my most favorite spiritual books that had a profound impact on changing my life.

Amy said...

so far I'm NOT impressed with the Happiest Mom book. I requested a review copy after discovering Meagan Francis's blog because I liked her writing so much. But the book was written in conjunction with Parenting Magazine (which I don't like) and it reads like a book-length version of a magazine...complete with silly quizzes and pointless sidebar quotes from "real life moms." I don't know why they did it that way...her writing is good enough to stand alone without needing Parenting's backing.

That's my first impression...I'm only on chapter 2. I promised to write a review so I'll post one here once I finish it. I got it a few weeks ago, but was annoyed after I realized what it was and put it down for other books.