Monday, May 02, 2011

Multitude Monday, Take 202

Thanking God this week for...

1582. safety through storms
1583. reminders of His power
1584. new shoes on my porch the next day from
1585. Elijah bringing me fresh peonies from our bushes out front
1586. dinner that I thought would be a flop bringing rave reviews

1587. Steve running to the store for one more ingredient to rescue it
1588. little things that remind me of dear friends
1589. boys sleeping in, waking up happy
1590. husband's encouragement and belief in me
1591. having someone else shampoo, cut and style my hair

1592. hardly ever having to buy baby clothes
1593. dinners with friends
1594. our beloved pastor back from sabbatical
1595. Jude sleeping in my arms at church
1596. Elijah "helping" wipe down tables after lunch

1597. grace to try and empathize/understand instead of judge
1598. grace to keep my mouth (mostly) shut when hot-button issues come up
1599. Elijah's favorite "no" responses: "Mm...not today." or "Maybe later."
1600. the endless riches of His Word
1601. the upcoming Wedding Supper of the Lamb


Danielle said...

I agree with #1592!

Amy said...

aren't hand-me-downs the best? we have been SO blessed. between that and generous grandparents, we are set.