7632. sunlight reflecting in patches off wet leaves in my driveway
7633. crisp, juicy Cameo apples
7634. a friend starting her blog back up, issuing a challenge about buried talents
7635. a friend sharing her struggles, letting me share the burden
7636. sweet time of prayer with her
7637. the fact that I can draw near His throne with confidence
7638. the fact that His throne is a throne of grace where I find mercy and help
7639. our whole family working together to practice hospitality
7640. old + new friends here for community group re-launch
7641. husband pushing me to write
7642. the safe arrival of a friend's baby girl
7643. Steve's quickness to serve others in practical ways
7644. friends' beautiful new home just 20 minutes from us instead of 50!
7645. boys' thankfulness without prompting
7646. first day to wear tall boots this fall
7647. free tickets to a Western Kentucky football game
7648. Elijah's face when we told him where we were going
7649. perfect weather to enjoy a game
7650. unexpectedly texting with a friend late in the evening
7651. old IWU Chorale albums
7652. a friend's transparency about struggles
7653. a sweet note from a friend, "just because"
7654. the way expository preaching forces you to deal with the hard parts of Scripture
7655. our pastor's affirmation of women
7656. the passion and enthusiasm of Elijah's Sunday school teacher
7657. a quiet afternoon spent snuggling/talking/reading/napping with Steve
7658. family movie night for the hilarious, touching, profound Inside Out--loved it!
7659. Steve's patience with me when we were working on a project and I started to shut down when I felt overwhelmed
7660. the way that working as a team with him forced me to lean in instead of escaping
7661. grace to recognize my need for help, and pray and ask
7662. answered prayers, help, feeling encouraged about things coming together
7663. boys poring over family photobooks, Elijah reading the captions to Jude

1 comment:
Photo albums are so precious, aren't they? Our kids love to look at them too!
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