Thursday, July 28, 2005

A Simple PSA About My New Last Name

Since changing my last name, I have quickly discovered that many people find "Kannel" hard to pronounce. People are like, "Ka-nell?" "Kennel?" (it's CAN-nul. rhymes with flannel.)

After the Comcast people screwed it up and sent us a bill under the name "Kennel," Steve and I wrote this little PSA with the magnetic poetry on our fridge (we have a whole lot of words):


Kayla said...

I went from Hoffman (which is pronouced HUFF-MAN) that was always botched as HAUF-MAN to
Gulick, which is pronounced G-YOU-lick, and is always botched for GULL-LICK or GOO-lick.
Maybe you will have better luck at getting over it, but it still drives me nuts every time someone messes it up. I know they don't mean it, but it's not my name , ya know?!

Beau and Kathryn said...

Now don't be makin' fun of country folk:)

Anonymous said...

what did you say mrs. kamel?