"G.K. Chesterton had offered: ‘Thanks is the highest form of thought‘… And Romans 1 concurs and expresses how non-thanks is the lowest form of thought — of life: “When we don’t give Him all thanks, all our thinking become futile.”Thanking God this week for...
Thanks is the highest form of thought — precisely because it rightly orders everything: Us laid low. Before God on High. But refuse to give God thanks? God lets our very lives become refuse. Our thinking becomes futile and God on High lets us live low.
It would make a strange but right cross-stitch and I’d do well to stitch it into the fabric of me: A lack of doxology leads to depravity."
--Ann Voskamp
2932. walks on the greenway with Steve and with a friend
2933. boys throwing rocks in the creek
2934. "jumping on the numbers" with Elijah
2935. delicious leftovers for lunch and supper
2936. Elijah loving and freely forgiving me after I've yelled at him
2937. gently, freely forgiving and helping me, not blowing up in anger when I sin
2938. organizing and purging accomplished, even in small amounts
2939. lots of time outside before the bugs send us inside as hostages
2940. Jude pointing to his body parts
2941. the beautiful comforts of Isaiah 40-44
2942. boys with healthy appetites
2943. plenty of nutritious food to feed them
2944. jars of peonies
2945. the opportunity to bless a friend with a bouquet
2946. our friends' baby girl captivated by Elijah
2947. early morning snuggles with Jude
2948. an unexpected phone call from a dear friend
2949. Jude learning to climb up the playset to go down the slide all by himself
2950. the fact that neck pain is not a daily part of my life
2951. funny stuff on the internet that makes me laugh out loud
2952. new recipes, even if the instructions are a bit fussy/pretentious
2953. the ministry of Compassion International
2954. the privilege of helping "change the story" for an Indonesian girl and a Kenyan boy
2955. the opportunity to share about Compassion at church on Compassion Sunday
2956. five families at our church who signed up to sponsor children yesterday
2957. His compassion for us
2958. Jesus, who though he was rich, yet for our sake became poor, so that we by his poverty might become rich
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