Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Better to Do Something Imperfect

A challenge from Isaac Watts (emphasis mine):

"I am at last convinced that it is better for me to do something for God, though it be imperfect, than to be guilty of perpetual delays in hopes of better pleasing myself."

(HT: Worship Matters)


rebekah said...

hmmm. i wonder what in the world sparked this thought?

:) good stuff.

Amy said...

HA! how ridiculous is this: I saw that quote, and liked it, and blogged about it, all the while not even applying it to our Sunday night discussion about writing until just now.

wow. sometimes it takes someone like you to hit me over the head with things when it doesn't get through the first time :)

thanks--for our conversation then and for nudging me again just now!

tonymyles said...

Yes! I like the phrase Erwin McManus uses of "chasing the daylight." Very cool...