Friday, January 02, 2009


Today, the most amazing man I know turns 27. How can I sum him up in a blog post?

2008 was a rough year for me, one I'm glad to put in the past in favor of a fresh start. Through its darkness, my beloved husband was a bright, steady light. How thankful I am for his patient, giving, consistent, selfless, hopeful love. (And his sense of humor--I genuinely think he is hilarious.) I honestly don't know how I would have survived without him.

Steve is, without question, the most precious earthly gift the Lord has given to me. I don't deserve him, but I don't take him for granted, either--may I never do so! I have so much respect and admiration for this man and count it an honor to be his wife. I pray that God will grant him many, many more birthdays--years for me to love him and to laugh with him and to love and serve our Savior alongside him.

Happy birthday, babe. I love you!


Anonymous said...

What a sweet, hub-honoring birthday post! And what an adorable photo to accompany such loving words of admiration and joy!

Zoanna said...

Sweet tribute. What a blessing he is to you. I could say the same things about Paul as you say of STeve, particularly wondering how I would've made it thru depression w/o him.

I can tell by Steve's expresion in the photo that he's quite the comic.

Zoanna said...

"ExpresSion," that is.

CRICKET said...

I am gathering it may have been a tough year because of having a child. If so, I would love to suggest a book I am reading know that may help. Becoming a Mindful Parent, Buddhism for Mothers of Young Children. Now I know you are a Christian but I always think it important for everyone to read writings from other faiths. One of the topics it addresses is isolation. I know first hand that I feel a bit lonely and isolated at times with two small children and living in a state without any family. I also feel the same way about my husband, I am one lucky girl!