Monday, November 01, 2010

Multitude Monday, Take 182

My visual homemaking journal sits on the table next to the couch these days, instead of on the end of the kitchen counter--a sign of my relegating kitchen occupancy to my mom and mother-in-law, my no longer making meals or piles of clean laundry or much of anything except milk. If there's one thing I can do, it's make milk...OY.

The gratitude lists are long these days; while I lie on the couch resting, I have plenty of time to pick up colored Sharpie pen and fill blank pages with blessings--too many to recount them all here.

As I settle into a new season of motherhood, and reflect on the first months of Elijah's life, I am continuing to experience much grace. I know that the only way to thrive in these days is by crying out for help, by running to the throne of grace where I find mercy and grace in my time of need. I know that I must "suit up" and preach the gospel to myself rather than succumbing to fears and the flesh and selfish thoughts. And in seeking to do these things, I find myself especially thankful for two means of grace that help me pray and preach:

1044. the aforementioned journal, where blank white spaces challenge me to think of more gifts, offer more gratitude

1045. our iPod, which broadcasts songs and podcasts to fill my mind with truth and peace

holy experience

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